19 Aug 2024


Product Price
OMAC 441.094
OMAS 607.993
OMAW 817.414
OMCH 444.323
OMEA 681.195
OMEE 312.202
OMEF 1093.651
OMEG 338.199
OMEL 575.180
OMEM 581.002
OMEN 496.291
OMEP 171.438
OMEU 337.738
OMEV 314.812
OMFA 8430.037
OMFP 2374.842
OMHC 649.160
OMHS 723.570
OMJP 8746.821
OMSA 1752.030
OMSM 1653.450
OMSS 2074.977
OMSU 5213.160
OMSW 3968.670
OMWB 21019.540
OMWN 525.977
OMWO 11290.538
OMWP 3584.193

Market Status


The market status window is an indication regarding the current technical availability of the trading system. It indicates whether news board messages regarding current technical issues of the trading system have been published or will be published shortly.

Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Eurex webpage under Support --> Emergencies and safeguards. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message. 

We strongly recommend not to take any decisions based on the indications in the market status window but to always check the production news board for comprehensive information on an incident.

An instant update of the Market Status requires an enabled up-to date Java™ version within the browser.