13. Nov. 2023

Eurex | Eurex Clearing

High agility, more opportunities: Eurex launches Daily Options on DAX®

Eurex is expanding its diversified equity index products offering with the introduction of DAX® End-of-Day Options (ODAP) on 13 November 2023.

Following the successful launch of Daily Options (ODTE) on the EURO STOXX 50® Index, DAX® Daily Options are designed to meet investor demand for options with short-dated expirations. DAX® Daily Options enable investors to respond quickly to sudden market changes or events while providing more accurate and cost-effective trading.

The DAX® Index EoD options will be structured similarly to the EURO STOXX 50® Index EoD Options (OEXP). Since their launch in August 2023, around 750,000 contracts have been traded, with an order book share of around 75 percent.

The new options differ from the existing DAX® Index Options (ODAX) in terms of the final settlement price determination, the supported expiration days, available strike prices and the maximum available maturities. On the expiration day, trading will close at 17:30 CET. The final settlement price for ODAP is based on the closing value of the DAX® Index. You can find all details in our product specifications



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