Built for agility
Daily Options

Daily Options

Explore the depths of short-term options trading opportunities

Eurex offers daily expiring options on the EURO STOXX 50® Index (OEXP) and DAX® (ODAP) to react quickly to sudden market movements and events. These daily expiring options are also known as zero day to expiry options (0DTE).

Trade with more accuracy and cost efficiency using options that expire daily. Daily Options are available every day of the trading week during the entire trading day at expiration, capturing the full European trading day and overlapping with the US market.

Professionally trade Daily Options, manage short-term risks in the market precisely and customize your trades to your specific needs with options with daily expirations.

Whitepaper: Daily EURO STOXX 50® Options

Get your free copy of our Daily Options Whitepaper on the expected market impact and use cases.

Traded Contracts und Open Interest

Daily Options EURO STOXX 50®

Daily Options DAX®

Key benefits

  • Fast reaction to market movement

With the short expiration dates of Daily Options, traders can quickly react to sudden market movements and events like elections and economic figures on respective date of the event.

  • Based on the closing price

Daily Options allow traders to make informed trades based on the closing price of the underlying. OEXP is the first EURO STOXX 50® option available for the entire trading day at expiration, capturing the late Asian, full European trading day and overlapping with the US market.

  • Higher precision

Choose between more strikes with five-euro strike prices.

  • Standardization

Daily Options offer a regulated and transparent alternative to the OTC market. In this centrally cleared environment, traders also benefit from additional margin efficiencies.

Growth drivers

  • Enhance Risk Management

Enhance existing positions for short-term market movements.

  • Trading Opportunities

Allows investment strategies on gamma trading or for capturing arbitrage opportunities. 

  • High liquidity

Daily Options are highly liquid, allowing traders to enter and exit positions quickly and easily.

  • Cost-effective

Daily Options are affordable alternative to longer-dated options, having a lower time premium.

  • Maximized time overlap

Daily Options offer extended global trading hours, letting traders from all over the world participate.  

Product specification

Daily Options on EURO STOXX 50® Index

Eurex product code


Underlying Index

EURO STOXX 50® Index

Contract size

EUR 10

Tick size

Premium-dependent tick size for simple instruments for order book (outright) only. 

Bid up to:

0.10   – 10.00:            0.10 index points

10.25 – 25.00:           0.25 index points

25.5+:                          0.50 index points

TES Block Trade and complex instruments (e.g. strategies)

Trading hours

Monday – Friday : 09.00 – 17.30 CET (TES: 09.00 – 19.00 CET)

Last trading day

Last trading day of the relevant contract

Close of trading on the last trading day: 17:30 CET

Final settlement price

EURO STOXX 50® index level based on the closing auction price of the respective index constituents


Cash settlement

Vendor codes


SX5E Index OMON - All daily, weekly and monthly options (OESX and OEXP)
SX5EM Index OMON - End of month (OESX) (existing contracts midday settlement time)
SX5EOM Index OMON - End of month (OEXP) (new contracts with settlement time end of day)

Eurex product code


Underlying Index

DAX® Index 

Contract size

EUR 5 

Tick size

Premium-dependent tick size for simple instruments for order book (outright) only.

Bid up to:

0 – 25:                   0.10 index points

25.5 – 250:           0.25 index points

251+:                     0.50 index points

TES Block Trade and complex instruments (e.g. strategies)

Trading hours

Monday – Friday : 09.00 – 17.30 CET (TES: 09.00 – 19.00 CET)

Last trading day

Last trading day of the relevant contract

Close of trading on the last trading day: 17:30 CET

Final settlement price

Index level of the DAX index based on the closing price of the underlying stocks

Liquidity Provider

Liquidity Provider (On Screen)

CompanyMember IDContactPhone / e-mail 

All Options International B.V.


Martin Polak

T +31 20 795 7021
IMC Trading B.V.


Cathal Hardiman

T +31 20 798 8572

Maven Europe Ltd.


Adam Kaldor

T +44 20 3535 7057

Optiver V.O.F.


Maikel VerdiesenT +31 20 708 7808

Learn more about Daily Options

Take the next step and learn how to access to a range of short-dated options, providing increased trading flexibility.

All product information in one file

Learn how options with EoD settlement offer daily expirations covering all weekdays and month-end expirations.

Watch now! All you need to know

Sit back and join our video on why to trade short-term market fluctuations and how Daily Options enhance trading.


Dorte Carlsen
Equity & Index Sales EMEA

T +44-207-8 62-72 17


Tobias Ehinger
Equity & Index Product Design

T +49-69-211-1 23 13


Valerie Gorkovenko

T +49-69-211-1 43 06
