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Management Boards

Management Board of Eurex Deutschland

As the executive body of Eurex Deutschland, an entity under public law, the Management Board is responsible for all tasks not expressly assigned to other exchange bodies. The legal foundations for the activities of the Management Board are anchored in the Stock Exchange Act. In accordance with its provisions, the Management Board is responsible for managing Eurex Deutschland.

In line with the organisation model of a German stock corporation (Aktiengesellschaft) the management board of Eurex Deutschland is responsible for managing the exchange, whereas the Exchange Council is the responsible body for controlling and regulation. The management board of Eurex Deutschland is responsible for managing the public services of an exchange and ensures that exchange-relevant laws, ordinances, standard terms and conditions and other regulations are implemented and complied with accordingly. In this context, it may assign responsibility for the carrying out of these tasks to other persons.

The Management Board of Eurex Deutschland:


Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Eurex Frankfurt AG

Robbert Booij is CEO of Eurex Frankfurt AG since July 2024. Robbert Booij was appointed as member of the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG in May 2024. Booij has been a member of the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland since July 2024 and chairs the meetings of the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland.

Booij has many years of experience in international derivatives markets. From 2018 to 2024, he was CEO Europe of ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V., where he was responsible for the Market Access, Clearing and Financing activities in Europe, UK and Brazil. From 2012 until 2018, Robbert was based in the UK where he was responsible for all European activities of ABN AMRO Clearing Bank, covering major exchanges such as Eurex, Euronext, ICE Futures Europe and the London Metal Exchange. Subsequently he was appointed as Country Executive UK for the ABN AMRO Group.

Since 2007 he held different managerial positions within the company and fulfilled various roles in in risk management. Booij started his career in 2002 as supervisor for market infrastructure at the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).

From 2019 to 2023, he was a member of the Exchange Council of Eurex Deutschland and chaired the Council from July 2021 until the end of his term. He holds an Executive MSc in International Finance of the University of Amsterdam Business School and a MSc in Law and Economics of the University of Utrecht.

Booij chaired the European Board of the Futures Industry Association (FIA) and was a member of the FIA Global Board between 2020 and 2024.

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In November 2022, Melanie Dannheimer was appointed as a member of the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland. She is responsible for trade venue compliance for both, Eurex Deutschland and Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and the main interface to regulatory Supervisory Authorities. From 2018 until her appointment, she was leading the Onboarding & Business Excellence section with Client Service Trading & Clearing. Within this function she established new KYC- and admission standards for trading- and clearing members as well as their end clients. Between 2013 and 2018 she worked for Eurex Clearing AG heading a team within Clearing Design. She significantly expanded Eurex Clearing´s payment and settlement infrastructure and implemented an outsourcing framework according to MaRisk standards. Melanie Dannheimer started her career with Deutsche Börse in 2008 as a Key Account Manager, where she held responsibility for the admission and maintenance of international trading and clearing members. Dannheimer is a trained bank manager with advanced specialization in compliance, regulatory law and bank management.

Melanie Dannheimer is likewise a Member of the Management Board of Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

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Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Eurex Clearing AG

Erik Tim Müller, CEO of Eurex Clearing AG, has over 20 years of experience in Capital Markets and is a member of the Executive Board of Eurex Clearing AG since April 2013. He is also a member of the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland, represents Eurex on the CFTC Global Markets Advisory Committee and serves on the Board of Directors of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA).

As Managing Director of Deutsche Börse Group, he has been previously responsible for Corporate Strategy and Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) for many years. Since the IPO of Deutsche Börse in 2001, Müller has been a manager of Deutsche Börse Group. He has been responsible for Group Treasury and Investor Relations, including all treasury activities of two bank licensed businesses of Deutsche Börse Group, Eurex Clearing in Frankfurt/Main and Clearstream in Luxembourg since 2008.

Müller holds a dual degree MBA from Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main, Germany and the Fuqua Business School in North Carolina, USA.


Member of the Executive Boards of Eurex Frankfurt AG

In April 2016, Randolf Roth was appointed to the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG where he is responsible for Equity & Index Derivatives. He is also a member of the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland since July 2016.

Until February 2016 Randolf Roth served as CEO two related companies: Zimory GmbH and Deutsche Börse Cloud Exchange AG. Previously, between 1999 - 2014, he had already been working for Eurex in London, Chicago and Frankfurt in a number of roles including Head of Strategy and Head of Market Structure.

Until June 2016 Randolf Roth was member of the Supervisory Board of EEX AG. In 1999, Randolf Roth received his PhD in Financial Engineering from Technische Universität Dresden.

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Member of the Executive Boards of Eurex Frankfurt AG

In July 2020, Jonas Ullmann was appointed to the Executive Board of Eurex Frankfurt AG where he is responsible for Trading Design & Delivery and acts as Chief Operating Officer within Eurex Frankfurt AG. Since November 2021 he is also a member of the Management Board of Eurex Deutschland.

Until June 2020 Jonas was responsible for Market Functionality within Eurex Market Design. This included the implementation of several market micro structural measures part of the market structure roadmap and the continuous development of the T7 trading system. 

Before that he worked in the Market Supervision Derivatives Trading area and took care of several trading related topics, including theoretical pricing and implementation of new option pricing systems.

Ullmann holds a Master of Money and Finance degree from Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.

The Exchange Council is a key forum for discussing fundamental issues and developments at Eurex Deutschland.

The Exchange Council of Eurex Deutschland has 18 members, who are elected for a term of three years. The acting Exchange Council was elected on 2 December 2022 and began the term of office with the constituent meeting on 23 January 2023.

Current members of the Exchange Council of Eurex Deutschland are the following persons:

Tobias Vogel (Chairperson of the Exchange Council)
Chair of the Management Board
UBS Europe SE
(Voter group 1c – other credit institutions including the securities trading banks)

Christoph Hock (Deputy Chairperson of the Exchange Council)
Head of Multi-Asset Trading
Union Investment
(Voter group 3 – Investors)

Nico Baader
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Baader Bank AG
(Voter group 1c – other credit institutions including the securities trading banks)

Souâd Benkredda
Member of the Board of Managing Directors  
DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank
(Voter group 1a– cooperative credit institutions)

Eric Böss
Global Head of Trading
Allianz Global Investors GmbH
(Voter group 3 – Investors)

Fabrizio Campelli
Member of the Management Board
Deutsche Bank AG
(Voter group 1c – other credit institutions including the securities trading banks)

Moritz Counil
Member of the Executive Board
Kerdos Investment-AG TGV
(Voter group 2 – financial services providers and other companies admitted to participation in exchange trading)

Allard Jakobs
Chief Executive Officer
All Options International B.V.
(Voter group 2 – financial services providers and other companies admitted to participation in exchange trading

Bronislav Kandrík
Chairman of the Board of Directors
RSJ Securities a.s.
(Voter group 2 – financial services providers and other companies admitted to participation in exchange trading)

Hans-Dieter Kemler
Member of the Executive Board
Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Girozentrale AdöR
(Voter Group 1b – credit institutions under public law)

Phillipp Lingnau
Managing Director
Morgan Stanley Europe SE
(Voter group 1c – other credit institutions including the securities trading banks)

J. Courtney Malcarney
Member of the Executive Management
IBKR Financial Services AG
(Voter group 2 – financial services providers and other companies admitted to participation in exchange trading)

Mario Mattera
Member of the Executive Board
B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG 
(Voter group 1c – other credit institutions including the securities trading banks)

Conor McTiernan
Member of the Management Committee and Deputy Head of Trading
Susquehanna International Ltd.
(Voter group 2 – financial services providers and other companies admitted to participation in exchange trading)

Fabian Rijlarsdaam
Managing Director
Flow Traders Asia Pte. Ltd.
(Voter group 2 – financial services providers and other companies admitted to participation in exchange trading)

Wilrik Sinia
Board Member
Mint Tower Capital Management B.V.
(Voter group 2 – financial services providers and other companies admitted to participation in exchange trading)

Permanent Guest
Marco Kreuter
Armin Winterhoff
Hessian Ministry of Economy, Transport, Urban and Regional Development

On the Exchange Council, currently 1 seat for voter group 1c "other credit institutions including the securities trading banks" and 1 seat for voter group 2 "financial services providers and other companies admitted to participation in exchange trading" remain vacant.

Market Status


The market status window is an indication regarding the current technical availability of the trading system. It indicates whether news board messages regarding current technical issues of the trading system have been published or will be published shortly.

Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Eurex webpage under Support --> Emergencies and safeguards. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message. 

We strongly recommend not to take any decisions based on the indications in the market status window but to always check the production news board for comprehensive information on an incident.

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