The company Randstad NV has announced the payment of a special dividend of EUR 1.27 per share.
More information about this transaction is available on the company`s website.
The payment of the special dividend will result in an adjustment of the above-mentioned contracts.
Adjustment outcome
Closing Price: 42.60
R-factor: 0.97018779
Adjusted contract size RSH
LEPO Version 0: 100.0000 -> LEPO Version 1: 103.0736
Version 0: 100.0000 -> Version 1: 103.0728
Adjusted exercise prices RSH:
960 0 -> 931 1 1000 0 -> 970 1
1200 0 -> 1164 1 1400 0 -> 1358 1 1600 0 -> 1552 1
1800 0 -> 1746 1 1900 0 -> 1843 1 2000 0 -> 1940 1
2100 0 -> 2037 1 2200 0 -> 2134 1 2300 0 -> 2231 1
2400 0 -> 2328 1 2500 0 -> 2425 1 2600 0 -> 2522 1
2800 0 -> 2717 1 3000 0 -> 2911 1 3200 0 -> 3105 1
3300 0 -> 3202 1 3350 0 -> 3250 1 3400 0 -> 3299 1
3450 0 -> 3347 1 3500 0 -> 3396 1 3550 0 -> 3444 1
3600 0 -> 3493 1 3650 0 -> 3541 1 3700 0 -> 3590 1
3750 0 -> 3638 1 3800 0 -> 3687 1 3850 0 -> 3735 1
3900 0 -> 3784 1 3950 0 -> 3832 1 4000 0 -> 3881 1
4050 0 -> 3929 1 4100 0 -> 3978 1 4150 0 -> 4026 1
4200 0 -> 4075 1 4250 0 -> 4123 1 4300 0 -> 4172 1
4350 0 -> 4220 1 4400 0 -> 4269 1 4450 0 -> 4317 1
4500 0 -> 4366 1 4550 0 -> 4414 1 4600 0 -> 4463 1
4650 0 -> 4511 1 4700 0 -> 4560 1 4750 0 -> 4608 1
4800 0 -> 4657 1 4850 0 -> 4705 1 4900 0 -> 4754 1
4950 0 -> 4802 1 5000 0 -> 4851 1 5100 0 -> 4948 1
5200 0 -> 5045 1 5600 0 -> 5433 1 6000 0 -> 5821 1
6400 0 -> 6209 1 6800 0 -> 6597 1 7200 0 -> 6985 1
7600 0 -> 7373 1 8000 0 -> 7762 1 8800 0 -> 8538 1
9600 0 -> 9314 1 10000 0 -> 9702 1 12000 0 -> 11642 1
No adjustment of contract sizes of RSHI, RSHP, R3AN due to no open interest.