19 Dec 2022


Product Price
FMAA 249.455
FMAC 317.817
FMAE 281.082
FMAG 18024.390
FMAP 280.056
FMAS 519.825
FMAU 4742.329
FMAV 19555.380
FMAW 606.134
FMBE 128.911
FMBZ 447.364
FMCG 1249.230
FMCH 476.816
FMCL 281.164
FMCO 1870.737
FMCT 943.210
FMCZ 966.766
FMDK 6881.449
FMDM 45684.270
FMEA 570.630
FMED 7427.528
FMEE 266.628
FMEF 957.301
FMEG 269.218
FMEL 462.365
FMEM 485.771
FMEN 429.623
FMEP 142.443
FMES 465.362
FMEU 267.015
FMEV 247.069
FMEY 623.964
FMFA 6555.433
FMFE 1254.910
FMFI 255.132
FMFJ 1866.880
FMFO 1937.050
FMFP 1936.533
FMFR 302.861
FMFU 3130.030
FMFW 2398.060
FMGA 17753.070
FMGC 9474.853
FMGD 2279.61
FMGE 4789.31
FMGM 3177.11
FMGO 4249.30
FMGQ 3184.10
FMGS 16935.750
FMGT 4329.54
FMGV 1327.54
FMGY 227.283
FMHC 753.070
FMHK 65745.110
FMHS 822.930
FMHU 378.597
FMID 1712.121
FMIG 227.890
FMIN 937.873
FMIS 137.083
FMIT 119.993
FMIV 227.072
FMJP 6609.835
FMJY 2509.259
FMKN 9184.815
FMKW 1572.912
FMMC 218.313
FMMD 590.624
FMMF 480.259
FMMG 447.988
FMMH 485.480
FMMI 347.611
FMML 759.378
FMMQ 423.695
FMMR 574.505
FMMS 659.493
FMMT 625.771
FMMU 227.947
FMMV 516.768
FMMW 176.410
FMMX 565.749
FMMY 332.841
FMNA 11305.100
FMNL 345.909
FMNS 2851.228
FMNW 9416.038
FMNZ 572.110
FMOG 6961.760
FMOV 10925.110
FMPA 6805.703
FMPE 1980.039
FMPH 406.937
FMPL 140.130
FMPX 7080.763
FMQA 1593.002
FMSA 1565.860
FMSC 562.807
FMSD 26104.920
FMSE 4625.921
FMSF 1926.860
FMSI 11944.090
FMSJ 1940.600
FMSM 1382.390
FMSO 2357.100
FMSP 189.746
FMSR 2285.340
FMSS 1744.893
FMST 3359.380
FMSU 3451.940
FMSW 2750.050
FMSZ 15571.060
FMTH 1233.941
FMTW 488.628
FMUA 735.933
FMUC 106.540
FMUD 312.290
FMUE 6074.654
FMUF 125.840
FMUH 409.710
FMUI 473.360
FMUK 13591.890
FMUL 191.110
FMUM 3485.813
FMUP 488.070
FMUQ 3575.343
FMUR 364.480
FMUS 10701.280
FMUT 582.360
FMUU 310.220
FMUV 3725.445
FMUW 189.550
FMWB 15786.570
FMWC 128.766
FMWD 406.533
FMWF 225.485
FMWH 488.514
FMWI 441.572
FMWL 483.472
FMWM 2012.715
FMWN 385.511
FMWO 7992.597
FMWP 2606.010
FMWQ 309.239
FMWR 430.515
FMWS 434.438
FMWT 512.624
FMWW 388.915

Market Status


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