
Market statistics (online)

Data is for Feb 18, 2025   Last update: Feb 19, 2025 12:00:00 AM

Product group Call option Put option Call+Put option Futures Total
> Interest Rates Traded contracts 68,217 59,048 127,265 3,240,337 3,367,602
Open interest (unadjusted) 1,080,364 613,167 1,693,531 7,655,991 9,349,522
Fixed income derivatives Traded contracts 68,217 59,048 127,265 2,943,309 3,070,574
Open interest (unadjusted) 1,080,350 613,147 1,693,497 7,015,519 8,709,016
Money market index derivatives Traded contracts 0 0 0 290,398 290,398
Open interest (unadjusted) 14 20 34 615,785 615,819
Credit Index Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 6,630 6,630
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 24,687 24,687
> Equity Traded contracts 464,562 380,420 844,982 5,332,884 6,177,866
Open interest (unadjusted) 20,588,342 38,629,021 59,217,363 11,127,782 70,345,145
Equity Options Traded contracts 464,562 380,420 844,982 0 844,982
Open interest (unadjusted) 20,588,342 38,629,021 59,217,363 0 59,217,363
Single Stock Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 5,332,884 5,332,884
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 9,939,436 9,939,436
Single Stock Tracking Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
Equity Total Return Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 1,188,346 1,188,346
> Equity Index Traded contracts 623,973 1,053,607 1,677,580 1,077,726 2,755,306
Open interest (unadjusted) 13,923,652 29,655,896 43,579,548 9,477,893 53,057,441
DAX® Traded contracts 27,202 51,712 78,914 88,789 167,703
Open interest (unadjusted) 403,283 1,030,853 1,434,136 110,809 1,544,945
SIX Swiss Exchange Indexes Traded contracts 6,255 7,625 13,880 16,426 30,306
Open interest (unadjusted) 200,719 303,756 504,475 188,376 692,851
OMX-Helsinki 25 Traded contracts 0 0 0 1 1
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 752 752
Blue Chip Traded contracts 321,880 756,238 1,078,118 515,268 1,593,386
Open interest (unadjusted) 9,295,426 20,115,485 29,410,911 2,105,294 31,516,205
Broadbased/Size Indexes Traded contracts 31,732 65,496 97,228 106,668 203,896
Open interest (unadjusted) 223,683 839,440 1,063,123 716,706 1,779,829
STOXX® Select Indexes Traded contracts 7,750 8,250 16,000 12,263 28,263
Open interest (unadjusted) 482,100 429,360 911,460 119,480 1,030,940
STOXX® ESG Indexes Traded contracts 6,000 6,000 12,000 7,717 19,717
Open interest (unadjusted) 108,865 28,458 137,323 93,569 230,892
EURO STOXX® Sector Index Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 197,815 197,815
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 1,034,115 1,034,115
EURO STOXX® Sector Index Options Traded contracts 139,088 105,120 244,208 0 244,208
Open interest (unadjusted) 2,852,858 6,079,874 8,932,732 0 8,932,732
STOXX® Sector Index Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 42 42
STOXX® Europe 600 Sector Index Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 40,496 40,496
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 400,735 400,735
STOXX® Europe 600 Sector Index Options Traded contracts 26,808 2,215 29,023 0 29,023
Open interest (unadjusted) 221,512 378,156 599,668 0 599,668
STOXX® Factor Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
STOXX® Thematic Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
Index TRF Traded contracts 0 0 0 47,300 47,300
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 2,850,001 2,850,001
MSCI Country Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 7,086 7,086
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 566,200 566,200
MSCI Regional Indexes Traded contracts 0 1,200 1,200 15,637 16,837
Open interest (unadjusted) 135,206 450,418 585,624 1,119,597 1,705,221
MSCI Sector Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 25,383 25,383
MSCI Factor Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 121 121
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 81,175 81,175
MSCI ESG Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 76 76
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 32,823 32,823
Market-on-Close Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 600 600
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
FTSE 100 Index Traded contracts 0 0 0 3,360 3,360
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 27,851 27,851
ATX® Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 213 213
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 96 96 4,904 5,000
CECE® Indexes Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 49 49
KOSPI Traded contracts 57,258 49,751 107,009 17,890 124,899
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
> Dividends Traded contracts 30,000 0 30,000 34,445 64,445
Open interest (unadjusted) 1,537,248 962,854 2,500,102 3,722,304 6,222,406
Single Stock Dividend Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 17,758 17,758
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 2,913,488 2,913,488
Equity Index Dividend Derivatives Traded contracts 30,000 0 30,000 16,687 46,687
Open interest (unadjusted) 1,537,248 962,854 2,500,102 808,816 3,308,918
> FX Traded contracts 0 0 0 18,960 18,960
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 114,274 114,274
> Volatility Traded contracts 13,050 12,036 25,086 89,533 114,619
Open interest (unadjusted) 305,918 118,584 424,502 178,145 602,647
VSTOXX® Traded contracts 13,050 12,036 25,086 89,533 114,619
Open interest (unadjusted) 305,918 118,584 424,502 178,145 602,647
Variance Futures Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 0 0
> ETF & ETC Traded contracts 38 35 73 0 73
Open interest (unadjusted) 361,905 835,630 1,197,535 0 1,197,535
Equity index ETF derivatives Traded contracts 38 35 73 0 73
Open interest (unadjusted) 24,132 71,514 95,646 0 95,646
Fixed income ETF derivatives Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 5,518 9,268 14,786 0 14,786
Exchange traded commodities derivatives Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 332,255 754,848 1,087,103 0 1,087,103
> Cryptocurrency Traded contracts 0 0 0 216 216
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 42 42
Bitcoin / Ethereum Derivatives Traded contracts 0 0 0 216 216
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 42 42
> Commodity Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 2,333 2,333
Bloomberg Traded contracts 0 0 0 0 0
Open interest (unadjusted) 0 0 0 2,333 2,333
Sum of all products Traded contracts 1,199,840 1,505,146 2,704,986 9,794,101 12,499,087
Open interest (unadjusted) 37,327,540 70,031,705 107,359,245 29,350,593 136,709,838

Market Status


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