
Market statistics (online)

Data is for Aug 09, 2022  

MSCI Regional Indexes


Product ID Contract Currency Delivery month
  FMAA MSCI AC Asia Index Futures USD
  FMAC MSCI ACWI Index Futures USD
  FMAE MSCI ACWI Index Futures EUR
  FMAP MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index Futures USD
  FMAS MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan Index Futures USD
  FMAW MSCI ACWI Price Index Futures USD
  FMCG MSCI GCC Countries Index Futures USD
  FMEA MSCI Emerging Markets Asia Index Futures USD
  FMED MSCI Europe Index Futures USD
  FMEE MSCI Emerging Markets EMEA Index Futures USD
  FMEF MSCI Emerging Markets Price Index Futures USD
  FMEG MSCI Europe Growth Index Futures EUR
  FMEL MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America Index Futures USD
  FMEM MSCI Emerging Markets Index Futures USD
  FMEN MSCI Emerging Markets Index Futures EUR
  FMEP MSCI Europe Price Index Futures EUR
  FMES MSCI Europe Small Cap Index Futures EUR
  FMEU MSCI Europe Index Futures EUR
  FMEV MSCI Europe Value Index Futures EUR
  FMFA MSCI EAFE Index Futures USD
  FMFP MSCI EAFE Price Index Futures USD
  FMGA MSCI North America GTR Index Futures USD
  FMIG MSCI EMU Growth Index Futures EUR
  FMIV MSCI EMU Value Index Futures EUR
  FMKN MSCI Kokusai Index Futures USD
  FMMG MSCI Emerging Markets Growth Index Futures USD
  FMMU MSCI EMU Index Futures EUR
  FMMV MSCI Emerging Markets Value Index Futures USD
  FMNA MSCI North America Index Futures USD
  FMNS MSCI North America SMID Index Futures USD
  FMOG MSCI World Growth Index Futures USD
  FMOV MSCI World Value Index Futures USD
  FMPA MSCI Pacific Index Futures USD
  FMPX MSCI Pacific ex Japan Index Futures USD
  FMSC MSCI World Small Cap Index Futures USD
  FMWB MSCI World Index Futures in GBP GBP
  FMWM MSCI World Midcap Index Futures USD
  FMWN MSCI World Index Futures in EUR EUR
  FMWO MSCI World Index Futures in USD USD
  FMWP MSCI World Price Index Futures USD
  FMXA MSCI World ex Australia Index Futures USD
  FMXB MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America ex Brazil Index Futures USD
  FMXC MSCI Emerging Markets Asia ex China Index Futures USD
  FMXG MSCI Europe ex UK Index Futures EUR
  FMXH MSCI Emerging Markets ex China Index Futures USD
  FMXJ MSCI AC Asia ex Japan Index Futures USD
  FMXK MSCI Emerging Markets Asia ex Korea Index Futures USD
  FMXS MSCI Europe ex Switzerland Index Futures EUR
  FMXT MSCI Emerging Markets EMEA ex Turkey Index Futures USD
  FMXU MSCI ACWI ex USA Index Futures USD
  FMXX MSCI World ex USA Index Futures USD


Product ID Contract Currency Delivery month
  OMAC MSCI ACWI Index Options USD
  OMAS MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan Index Options USD
  OMAW MSCI ACWI Price Index Options USD
  OMEA MSCI Emerging Markets Asia Index Options USD
  OMEE MSCI Emerging Markets EMEA Index Options USD
  OMEF MSCI Emerging Markets Price Index Options USD
  OMEG MSCI Europe Growth Index Options EUR
  OMEL MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America Index Options USD
  OMEM MSCI Emerging Markets Index Options USD
  OMEN MSCI Emerging Markets Index Options EUR
  OMEP MSCI Europe Price Index Options EUR
  OMEU MSCI Europe Index Options EUR
  OMEV MSCI Europe Value Index Options EUR
  OMFA MSCI EAFE Index Options USD
  OMFP MSCI EAFE Price Index Options USD
  OMWB MSCI World Index Options GBP
  OMWN MSCI World Index Options EUR
  OMWO MSCI World Index Options USD
  OMWP MSCI World Price Index Options USD

Market Status


The market status window is an indication regarding the current technical availability of the trading system. It indicates whether news board messages regarding current technical issues of the trading system have been published or will be published shortly.

Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Eurex webpage under Support --> Emergencies and safeguards. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message. 

We strongly recommend not to take any decisions based on the indications in the market status window but to always check the production news board for comprehensive information on an incident.

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