Corporate actions
20 Jul 2023

Telenet Group Holding NV: Takeover

Update as of 20 July 2023

In a press release dated 19 July 2023, Liberty Global plc has announced the results of the initial acceptance period of the voluntary and public tender offer by its indirect wholly-owned subsidiary, Liberty Global Belgium Holding BV, to acquire all the shares of Telenet Group Holding NV, according to which Liberty Global would own 93.23% as of the settlement date. Further, Liberty Global plc has announced that the settlement of the transaction would take place on 26 July 2023.

Accordingly, trading in the above-mentioned Eurex-listed derivatives contracts on Telenet Group Holding NV shares has been terminated after close of trading on 19 July 2023. Existing positions in the respective futures and options contracts will be settled against prices determined via the fair value procedure. For the fair value calculation applicable to the respective contracts, the tender offer price for the shares of Telenet Group Holding NV of EUR 21.00 serves as a reference price.

Today, 20 July 2023, all participants with open positions will receive an information containing an overview of their respective open positions. Resulting cash balances will be booked today, 20 July 2023, with value date 21 July 2023. In the end-of-day processing on 21 July 2023, open positions will be booked out, effective 24 July 2023.

On 21 March 2023 the company Liberty Global plc announced its proposal to acquire Telenet Group Holding NV via a takeover offer to the shareholders of Telenet Group Holding NV at a price of EUR 22.00 per share.

More information about this transaction is available on the companies` websites.

This information describes the potential effects this transaction will have on the above-mentioned contracts.


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