Real Estate Futures Build a better portfolio

Unlocking Investment Potential

Eurex FTSE EPRA Real Estate Index Futures are a strategic collaboration between Eurex, FTSE Russell and Nareit. Our diverse product suite offers futures tied to the FTSE EPRA Nareit real estate indices, allowing investors to enter the dynamic real estate sector.

The futures allow investors to hedge exposures and optimize portfolio performance. Seamlessly integrated into our PRISMA risk management, it provides portfolio-margining benefits with equity and index products. Eurex FTSE EPRA Real Estate Index Futures deliver unparalleled efficiency and flexibility in trading strategies.

Key benefits

  • Efficient portfolio margining
    Portfolio margining benefits with equity and index products at Eurex, streamlining collateral management and optimizing capital efficiency. 

  • Portfolio diversification
    Already utilized in a range of financial products including ETFs, Structured Products, and Mutual Funds, FTSE EPRA Nareit Indices offer versatility and adaptability to various investment strategies. The new futures allow benchmarked funds to hedge and equitize in the underlying index, increasing operational efficiency and reducing tracking error.  

  • Transparency
    Built on transparent and robust methodologies, FTSE EPRA Nareit Indices provide investors with reliable and trusted benchmarks for their real estate investments.  

Contract specifications

FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Europe Index FuturesFTSE EPRA Nareit Eurozone Index FuturesFTSE EPRA Nareit UK Index Futures

Product ID




Underlying Index 

FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Europe Index FTSE EPRA Nareit Eurozone Index FTSE EPRA Nareit UK Index 
Contract name EPRA Index Futures EPEU Index Futures ELUK Index Futures 
Bloomberg tickerEPRA - FEDA Index EPEU - FEIA Index ELUK - FEWA Index 
Contract value EUR 10 per index point EUR 10 per index point GBP 10 per index point 
Minimum price change 

0.5 Index Points (tick value: EUR 5).

0.5 Index Points (tick value: EUR 5).

0.5 Index Points (tick value: GBP 5).


Cash settlement, payable on the first exchange day following the Final Settlement Day.

Last trading day 

Last Trading Day is the Final Settlement Day. Close of trading in the maturing series on the last trading day is at 16:35 CET.

Final settlement day and expiration 

Final Settlement and Expiration Day is the 3rd Friday of each expiration month if this is a trading day at Eurex, otherwise the immediately preceding exchange day. 

Final settlement price 

Established by Eurex on Expiration Day and index value is based on closing price as calculated by FTSE International Limited. 

Contract months 

The four nearest quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle.


Product Diff. to prev. day last Last price Contracts Time
FEDE -0.18% 1,642.50 0 18:42:08
FEEU -0.15% 1,657.50 0 18:42:08
FEUK -0.21% 1,198.50 0 18:42:11

Charting a new future for real estate:
FTSE EPRA Nareit futures

Our whitepaper, written in partnership with FTSE, EPRA and Nareit, investigates the changes our recently launched futures on three FTSE EPRA Nareit indexes earlier this year represent for the market, and more.