Navigating the sustainable transformation

Eurex ESG Clearing Compass

Eurex Clearing can help Clearing Members and their clients navigate through their sustainability journey. The innovative, new offering aims to provide market participants with relevant data to further enable decision making based on sustainable criteria.

The ESG Clearing Compass currently consists of two distinctive initiatives to enhance transparency and visibility on some of the most relevant metrics. Both the ESG Portfolio Assessment and the ESG Visibility Hub have been introduced to assist in increasing transparency, monitoring and reporting regarding the transition to a sustainable economy.

ESG Portfolio Assessment

Powered by data from ISS ESG our reports help to enhance collateral data held at the CCP with climate metrics and E ratings on a portfolio level.

ESG Visibility Hub

A platform to share and access key information provided by Clearing Members with regards to their sustainability strategy, ESG reporting and climate data as well as ESG ratings making their sustainability related efforts more visible to the clearing community.  

The role of ESG ratings for collateral

In this interview with Pauline Engelberts, Global Chief Operating Officer at ABN AMRO Clearing, discusses the role ESG ratings play for collateral


Gerard Denham

Funding & Financing Product &

Business Development
T +44-20-78 62-76 34

Annabelle Siggers

Prime Sales
T +44-20 78 62-73 49

Elizabeth Regan

Clearing Design & Delivery
T +49-69-211-1 94 22