Initiatives & Releases

C7 CAS Releases

Release 2.282

With the introduction of the C7 CAS Release 2.282, Eurex Clearing further improved the user experience for Clearing Members by introducing the following enhancements:

  • Introduction of Securities Collateral Accounts
  • Introduction of Mass Onboarding functionality

Production start: 15 April 2024

Release Items/Participants Requirements



Action Item

Introduction of Securities Collateral Accounts

With this release, a redesign and extension of the pool attributes and securities accounts tab will be introduced for admissions and change requests. Additionally, new validations and account overviews will be available to provide a better user experience for members. 

There is no action required.

Introduction of Mass Onboarding functionality

With the introduction of mass onboarding functionality, Clearing Members will be able to upload files to onboard multiple Disclosed Clients (DCs) without Member ID in a single admission workflow. This allows a much faster processing of fund onboardings in a Classical Fund Manager or LSOC setup.

There is no action required.

For further details, Eurex Clearing will soon publish additional user guides for Clearing Members under this Support page.



Eurex Frankfurt AG
Key Account Management

Service times from 09:00 - 18:00 CET

T +49-69-211-10 333