About EurexOTC Clear
Service Offering for PSAs
EMIR 3.0 - active account
CCP Switch
Compression Service
Product Scope
Interest Rate Swaps
Inflation Swaps
Settlement Prices
Clearing Member
ISA Direct Member
ISA Direct Light Licence Holder
Clearing Agent
Multiple Clearing Relationships
Segregation Set up
Readiness for projects
C7 Releases
C7 SCS Releases
C7 CAS Releases
EurexOTC Clear Releases
Prisma Releases
Member Section Releases
Simulation calendar
User ID Maintenance
Clearing Hours
Clearing Reports
Product Specifications
Clearing on behalf
Delivery Management
Transaction Management
Collateral Management
Transparency Enabler Files
Segregation Models
Default Fund
Intraday Margin Calls
OTC Clear Procedures
OTC Clear Tutorials
Cross Margining Support
Supplementary Margins
Default Waterfall
Model Validation
Stress testing
Default Management Process
Client Asset Protection under EMIR
Client Asset Protection under LSOC
Credit, concentration & wrong way risk
System-based risk controls
Pioneering CCP Transparency
Haircut and adjusted exchange rates
Securities margin groups and classes
Prices Rolling Spot Future
File services
Bond Clusters
Listed derivatives
OTC derivatives
Listed securities
Cash management
Delivery management
CCP eligible instruments
Eurex Clearing Rules & Regulations
EMIR 3.0 - active account
IBOR Reform
Uncleared Margin Rules
Eurex Newsletter Subscription
Circulars & Newsflashes Subscription
Corporate Action Information Subscription
Circulars & Readiness Newsflashes
Webcasts on demand
Production Newsboard
Eurex | Eurex Clearing
Being awarded “European Derivatives Exchange of the Year” - is music to our ears. Especially since we were able to hold on to this title for the third straight year. In the words of the award committee:
“Judges were impressed by the innovative solutions offered by Eurex across a variety of asset classes, as well as its forward-looking view of the market. Eurex particularly stood out for its substantial growth, strong value proposition in FX and position as the first exchange to offer Bitcoin futures in Europe.”
We are proud and honored by this recognition, as it is an acknowledgment of our efforts to provide our customers with innovative and reliable products and technology.
“We are thrilled that the committee recognizes our dedication to innovative client solutions. Let’s turn this award into inspiration for future excellence. A huge thank you to all our clients! Without their support and feedback, we would not be where we are today.” said Cornelius Trenz, Head of Marketing at Eurex.
Eurex stands for the leading European derivatives exchange and – with Eurex Clearing – one of the leading central counterparties globally. We strive to be the architect of market liquidity, efficiency, and integrity by providing our customers with innovative solutions to seamlessly manage risk.