30 Nov 2023

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Eurex scores three awards in a week by and FOW

Winning an award is always nice but being named 'Exchange of the Year' three times in one week is a special present. We received the good news from FOW for ‘Global Exchange of the Year’ and ‘Exchange of the Year – Europe’ and ‘Exchange of the year’ from on two consecutive days and feel very honored.

At, the winners are chosen by the editors and journalists. All entries go through a three-part judging process, starting with the submission of pitch documents, followed by personal interviews and client calls. An extract from the judges' verdict on Eurex:

“…built the decision on the expansion of Total Return Futures, the rapid roll-out of European zero dated expiry options and the NextGen implementation."

Their peers at FOW made the following judgment:

“Eurex’s innovation in the field of Digital Assets is what sets them apart from the rest of the European exchanges. They are already one of the largest exchanges in Europe and market leader when it comes to volumes in traded options. Their ambition to grow into new spaces is what is likely to ensure their success for many years to come.”

Cornelius Trenz, Head of Marketing, Deutsche Börse Cash Markets & Eurex
“A big thank you to all our customers. Without their support and feedback, we would not be where we are today. Awards are nice to have but hard to earn, so this success is a real boost for the new year.”

If you want to learn more about the awarded products and services from Eurex's read he recent article with Eurex CEO Michael Peters.