19 Oct 2020

Eurex | Eurex Clearing | Eurex Group

Navigating you through market uncertainties: New expiration dates on certain Dividend Futures

To counteract uncertainty and offer a broader choice to its customers, Eurex has introduced new maturities on Stock Dividend Futures and EURO STOXX 50® Index Dividend Futures.

The new maturities available for trading are:

  • Two June expiries to the EURO STOXX 50 Index Dividend Futures (FEXD), adjusted by introducing the next two rolling June maturities. With this, Eurex reacts to current market developments and the suggestions of several banks in favor of introducing June maturities to allow for better hedging.
  • For EUR- and CHF-denominated Single Stock Dividend Futures, new March, June and September expirations are made available. This means that the next five quarters (including December expiration) are tradeable at any time.

You may find more detailed information in our Circular 078/20 on equity derivatives.